SAFIA Release New Live EP With Profits Going To Support Act

10 August 2020 | 12:51 pm | Staff Writer

"Without all of the crew and team members working behind the scenes the show would most certainly not go on."


SAFIA have today released a brand new live EP in celebration of the first anniversary of their album Story's Start Or End

The Canberra group have announced that the EP will be sold as part of an exclusive merch bundle for one week from today, with profits going to Support Act to help music industry workers affected by the COVID-19 shutdown.

"One of our proudest achievements since starting this band is how we’ve been able to grow our live show into what it is today," said the band. "We owe this to our crew!"

"Over the past few years they have worked tirelessly to help us improve every facet of our show and their unwavering passion and dedication keeps pushing us to make it better. 

"So, in celebration of the first anniversary of our album Story’s Start Or End, we've decided to release a live EP bundle with all proceeds going to Support Act, who are providing much needed relief for those who work in the music industry. Without all of the crew and team members working behind the scenes the show would most certainly not go on, so this is the least we could do to give a little back!"

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The bundles are on sale now through SAFIA's website, head here for all the info. 

The Music recently caught up with Support Act CEO Clive Miller to talk about the impact COVID-19 has had on music industry crew and workers; read the story here.