Artist/Band: Ursula
Name: Robbie Rumble
Single title? The Acoma
What's the song about? It's about a young girl's rise to power. The Empire trilogy by Raymond E. Feist, read it!
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How long did it take to write/record? I wrote the songs a year or two ago and only recently got all the guys together to put it all together. We tracked it in a couple of days in a few different places.
Is this track from a forthcoming release/existing release?: It's the first single off of our EP that we'll put out sometime soon!
What was inspiring you during the song's writing and recording? If I'm not writing about my own life I will take a lot of inspiration from books, mainly fantasy haha.
We'll like this song if we like… Pavement, Broken Social Scene, anything from the '90s!
Do you play it differently live? Not really, we didn't go too crazy with the tracking when we recorded so what you hear is what you get, I guess.
When and where is your launch/next gig? Saturday 16 January at The Bird, with Childsaint and Hip Priest.