JessB Talks Inspiration And Influences Amid The Release Of Her New Single 'Moment'

26 May 2023 | 1:03 pm | Staff Writer
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We caught up with JessB about her new single 'Moment' and talked about everything from collaboration and production, to her recent performance at SXSW in Austin and the evolution of her sound.


JessB (Supplied)

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Auckland-based rapper and artist, JessB, is back with a brand new single, Moment, which dropped on May 28th. 

The introspective track, born from a period of solitude, delves into the complexities of longing for something unattainable despite a strong desire for it. 

Moment explores the transient nature of relationships and how emotions can override logic, driving us to pursue fleeting experiences.

JessB has been actively engaged in her musical journey over the past few years, releasing her mixtape titled 3 Nights in Amsterdam back in 2020 and delivering notable singles like 2022's Can't Fake It, as well as 2021's From That Jump

She's also clocked impressive features on tracks like Doja Cat's Best Friend remix, alongside Saweetie and Okenyo

During this time, she's been diligently working towards her next project, honing her songwriting skills and focusing on developing a melodic approach while maintaining her signature rap style.

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Having performed at major events such as SXSW in Austin, Big Sound, The Great Escape, Listen Out Tour 2022, Laneway, Rhythm & Vines, Northern Bass and Splore, JessB has shared stages with acclaimed artists like Stormzy, Kehlani, Kranium, Six60, Fat Freddy's Drop, Genesis Owusu, Kaiit, and Baker Boy.

With the release of Moment, JessB continues to push artistic boundaries, solidifying her status as one of the most compelling artists in the music industry today.

During our conversation with the muso, it became clear that she possesses a keen understanding of her own potential as she reflected on her remarkable accomplishments in recent years since the release of her 2020 mixtape.

In celebration of her latest track, we had a chat with JessB about everything from her inspirations, to what's next for her following the release of Moment.

PS: How does it feel to have your new single Moment out in the world this week?

I’m always a bit of an anxious wreck on release week tbh lol, but it does feel good to be getting back into the mindset of consistent releasing!! It’s been a minute.

PS: From a production standpoint, who did you collaborate with to bring this single to life?

This song was produced by my homie Max aka MOW Music, who produced the majority of my last project as well. It’s been dope to build a consistent working relationship with him and spend time with him in Amsterdam post covid to work on lots of new music.

PS: When creating music for a new project or single that combines Afro-sounds and Pop influences, what do you listen to for inspiration? What artists or genres influence your creative process and help shape your musical direction?

I guess inspiration and influence for me has always been made by the different genres I listen to like Afrobeats, Dancehall + Hip-hop (broadly)  rather than specific artists.  I like to incorporate elements of lots of different sounds into something that feels like me. 

PS: How was performing at SXSW this year? What was that show and experience like for you?

Performing at SXSW was a really cool experience. I played 4 shows over the week and they were my first in the US. It was an opportunity to meet people + network, as well as getting to see first-hand how audiences in the US responded to my new music.  I think it went well lol.  

PS: You have achieved a lot in your career as an artist & performer. But what are you most proud of?

I’ve always had goals as an artist and there are still so many I’m yet to achieve, but I think that for me the most fulfilling moments have always been with people I’ve met along the way. 

As corny as that sounds it’s less about perceived “success” for me and more about the experiences I get to have with people I love & admire.   

PS: Do you have any more international aspirations in the coming future?

Yeah, the international aspirations stay strong! I’m tryna do as much as I can outside of NZ.

PS: How would you describe your artistic direction and stylistic preferences in 2023, considering your versatility in sound and past collaborations with artists such as Stan Walker, Saweetie, and Kranium?

I don’t want to box myself in, I like the idea of being versatile and making the music that I want (whatever that may be) but I also want to have an identifiable sound.

Finding that balance has been a big part of my artistic direction over the last couple of years. 

I really wanted to be able to make music that pushed some genre boundaries, without losing the rap/ hip-hop roots that are present in my earlier music. 

PS: What are your predictions for the impact of Hip-Hop/Afro music in New Zealand and Australia? Are there any specific changes you hope to see within these music scenes?

I think that this is something that is going to grow and grow. We are already starting to see more hip-hop and Afro artists rising locally… especially in the Australian scene. 

The more people that begin to break through internationally, the more spotlight there will be on other local artists. I think it’s a pretty exciting time. There’s still a long way to go but I can feel the shift starting to happen. 

PS: Looking back at your musical journey from 2020, when you released your mixtape "3 Nights In Amsterdam, to your latest release Moment –  it seems like you have evolved and refined your sound. How do you personally reflect on the progress you've made and the growth you've experienced during this period?

Moment is definitely a song that developed from the sound that I began to find in 3NIA. I spent a lot of time alone during covid in the studio - which actually became a bit of a blessing as I was able to experiment with more melodic styles and incorporate it into what I was already doing.  

I always want to keep challenging myself and evolving musically so it’s been an enjoyable process and I am interested to see what the reception is. 

PS: I’m sure you can’t say too much more about what’s coming up, but what does the rest of 2023 hold for you?

Debut album out this year !! :)