Location: Australia
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"The set went too quickly, but it was a pleasure to be in the presence of someone so conscious of their voice, sound and the environment around them."
The subscription-based 'Thirty Days Of Yes' will support the LGBTQI+ community through this whole postal survey schemozzle.
AND you'll get free rides at Luna Park!
"...Harmonic guitar work turns over floating melodies as Leah sways on dreamily."
It's out this Friday 26 May, along with some launch shows to celebrate..
"Luluc manage to simultaneously be as hilarious as they are heartbreaking."
"We're still shaking our heads in impressed disbelief."
"Older material that makes its way into the set gets the biggest audience reaction and is also the most well executed."
Celebrating in style.
"His sincerity and self-referential nature - declaring himself a "hairy idiot tossbag" - is what saves him."